Monday, July 27, 2009

2 weeks down, 10 to go!

Yeee Haaa!

I successfully completed my 2 week eat clean challenge!

Jumped on the scales this morning, this week I  lost 1.4 kg. This brings me up to 3.7 kg loss for the 2 weeks!!!

I'm down to 74.1 kg! The lightest I have been this year! Only 4.2 kilo until my first goal is reached (first goal = get into the 60's! [even if it is only 69.9 kg!])

The next 10 weeks will pretty much be the same, food and exercise wise, except a little less strict on the food side.

I've included 3 other posts - all with photos from when I started 2 weeks ago and comparing them with photos of now. I know there is not much difference, but I am happy enough to be able to see the change in only 2 weeks. Please add comments and tell me what differences you can notice!

As for numbers, here they are:

Start Now Loss

Weight 77.8 kg 74.1 kg 3.7 kg
Waist    91 cm 85 cm 6 cm
Hips      106 cm 101 cm 5cm

They are really all the measurements that matter! Not bad for 2 weeks! I think it is going to be tough to see the numbers dropping now, the rest of the weight gain is from when I first moved to melbourne 18 months ago - can't see it falling off too easily. Never mind, I'll just keep plugging away at it!

On a sort of side note, I'm about to do a circuit today. I've got plans to meet Chris tomorrow for a session before I head to Adelaide on Thursday.

I'm going to save my 'free day' to one day at the end of the week when we are in Adelaide so I really enjoy it (and hopefully don't end up on the toilet for too long as a result of putting un-clean food into my system!)

Anyway, would love to hear what you think of my photos and weight loss progress so far.

Til tomorrow,


1 comment:

chris said...

wow! those photos are amazing.. what a difference in 2 weeks. Keep it up Tahn.